"Totally changed how I see myself, my family and my business"

Case Study Profile Image
Saher Shodhan
COO at Cloud Cycle, Ex-CEO at Traktion.ai


Saher Shodhan, the founder of Traktion.ai, faced significant challenges in scaling his London-based startup, a two-sided marketplace for freelance marketing talent. Despite his intellect and dedication, Saher found himself overwhelmed and on the brink of burnout after 18 months of minimal business growth.

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The lack of progress at Traktion.ai depleted cash reserves, heightening stress and uncertainty. Saher was caught in a constant state of "fight or flight," unable to focus on activities that could genuinely propel his business forward.


Together, we conducted a comprehensive audit of his time, health, psychology, and business to identify key bottlenecks. Based on our findings, we crafted a personalized 12-week roadmap with clear daily, weekly, and monthly KPIs to tackle these issues head-on. Saher then structured his day around "ringfenced sessions" to sharpen his focus and maximize time spent on revenue-generating activities. We monitored essential business and personal KPIs on a dashboard to ensure ongoing clarity and continuous improvement. Additionally, our bi-weekly one-on-one calls provided the necessary support, feedback, and accountability to ensure his commitment to success.

Personal Results

Saher reclaimed 20 hours per week by eliminating unproductive tasks while reducing his stress and analysis paralysis. His productivity tripled, allowing him to manage his responsibilities more effectively and regain confidence in his capabilities.

Professional Results

These strategic changes led to explosive growth for Traktion.ai, with a 1000% increase in revenue within the first 3 months of the program. Saher's leadership transformed a struggling startup into a robust business, ultimately leading to a successful exit in 2023.


Here’s how we take you to new heights

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360º Evaluation

There is no "one size" approach to peak performance training. Every client's transformation unfolds differently.

Upon joining Selfmastered, you'll embark on an intensive self-examination process, which clients have described as 'the most profound analysis I’ve ever experienced.'

This isn't just an evaluation; it's a deep, data-driven, science-backed analysis of your entire performance spectrum.

We examine dozens of key performance indicators across multiple domains to understand how well you manage:

  • Your mind: Strengths, weaknesses, personality traits, behavioral defaults, self-talk.
  • Your brain: Self-awareness, attention span, cognitive load.
  • Your life: Health, development, relationships.
  • Your business: Product, marketing, sales, operations.
  • Your time: Efficiency, prioritization, time-wasters, distractions.

Within one week, we deliver a detailed Performance Evaluation that clarifies your current status and provides targeted, actionable steps for rapid improvement. This thorough evaluation sets the stage for the next phase of your Selfmastered journey, where we collaboratively craft a personalized roadmap tailored to your personal and professional aspirations.

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Guided transformation

Leveraging insights from your detailed 360º evaluation, we tailor a research-backed curriculum designed to enhance your performance as a Founder or CEO systematically.

We focus on critical performance skills—often overlooked in traditional education—that are crucial for business success.

In this phase, we’ll precisely level up your:

  • Spiritual Performance (Purpose & intrinsic motivation, core values, presence and mindfulness, etc)
  • Mental Performance (Belief system, behavioral defaults, and emotional management, etc..)
  • Physical Performance (Stress management, active recovery, burnout-proofing), etc.
  • Executive Performance (Strategy, prioritization, time management, planning, flow states)

Our personalized training includes 1-on-1 coaching and group sessions designed to catalyze significant personal growth, equating to what many describe as '10 years worth of development in just 12 weeks.'

You'll gain access to peak performance frameworks, protocols, and mental models that drive continuous improvement, helping you become the best version of yourself in every aspect of your life.

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The culmination of your Selfmastered journey is to validate your transformation into an elite-performing entrepreneur by accomplishing a major goal.

Together, we'll define and pursue a significant quarterly goal that aligns with your aspirations and newfound capabilities. Throughout this journey, we provide continuous support, auditing your performance weekly, analyzing your successes and struggles, discussing what went right, what didn’t, and, most importantly, how to get better week-on-week.

With our support, you’ll start blazing ahead with clarity and momentum.

Some of the goals that we’ve helped our clients achieve within 12 weeks are:

  • Launch a $500,000 product.
  • Multiply revenue by 2x, 3x, 4x, and even up to 12x.
  • Win nationwide E-commerce awards.
  • Sell businesses for 8-figures.
  • Build a team to remove themselves from the day-to-day.
  • And many more.

Ready to get started?

We use personalized, data-driven performance systems to help you think, execute & perform at your peak consistently.