Our North Star is driving personal & team performance acceleration that result in attributable productivity and revenue growth.

Trusted by Founders, CEOs & Executives of industry-leading companies across the world

Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to common questions about Selfmastered.

What is Selfmastered?

Selfmastered is the world's foremost executive performance institute for entrepreneurs. We research, compile & teach the latest advancements in performance science and combine them with the most effective executive performance frameworks to create powerful transformations. We use science & data to optimize key aspects of your psychology, physiology & executive function to help you save time, make better decisions, and scale your business faster without stress, overwhelm, or burnout. We also keep you accountable for the goals we set together.

Why do you exist?

As far as we could tell, there is no science-backed & data-driven performance institute that teaches entrepreneurs the skills and frameworks they need to unlock sustained peak performance and win in business. Selfmastered fills that void.

Do I really need this?

If you have never trained your ability to focus, execute & perform, you need it. You’re likely leaving massive potential on the table.

Even if you identify as a high-performer already (most of our clients do), we guarantee you haven't researched, experimented, and compiled the amount of data about self-mastery and peak performance that we have.

If you are not operating at a 10/10, you need this.

What’s the science behind it?

Everything we do is rooted in science. Our methodology is based on the latest research on executive performance optimization: we leverage frameworks from neuroscience, performance psychology & behavioral science to unlock your full potential in business. Everything we say, teach or train you with is backed by scientific evidence and tracked using data-driven tools.

Is Selfmastered an online training course?

Selfmastered is not a course, but a combination of online training, 1:1 coaching, group coaching, mastermind community and proprietary tools. While the average completion rate of an online course is 1%, Selfmastered has a 97% completion rate.

Are there a Limited Number of Slots Available per Month?

To ensure the highest quality standards, we only have the capacity work with 5 clients/month (60/year)

How much time should I dedicate per week to Selfmastered?

Our most successful clients devote 3 hours/week. This said the speed of learning and transformation will depend on the intensity of your commitment to the program. The more you work through the modules, the better results you'll get.

How fast will I get results?

It depends on how hard you go at it. Some clients report saving 20 hours of their time after just 7 days in the program; others have 2X'ed their business in just a couple of weeks. We suggest you commit to the process thoroughly and get results ASAP.

What is the purpose of “Booking an Intro Call”?

The purpose is to learn more about you and your current situation and ensure it’s a good fit for both sides. What makes the Selfmastered Elite Performer program so great, is that everyone in the community is an inspiring, mission-driven leader. The application process allows us to curate this kind of community.

How much does it cost?

We customize our offer to your specific needs. The final price depends on your selected payment schedule, and the 1:1 commitment you request, among other factors.

Is there a guarantee?

Yes, we guarantee Selfmastered is the best investment you will ever make in yourself.

Unlock the Elite Entrepreneur Within

Get the training, tools & accountability you need to exceed even your wildest expectations. We'll help you unlock peak performance in under 4h/week.