The Performance Tracking System You Need to Stay Ahead and Win In Business

Written by
Leon Castillo

What if the key to staying ahead in business could be boiled down to one incredibly simple system? No special skills, high IQ, or talent needed—just 5-10 minutes a day. In this article, we share a performance tracking system that has been proven to work over the last eight years, transforming lives and driving success. Learn how to integrate this system into your daily routine, and watch as it sets you up to win in business and life.

Key Takeaways: 

  • Leverage Feedback Loops: Understand what strategies work and which need improvement, reducing overwhelm and guiding you to better performance.
  • Use Daily EOD Reports: Gain clarity on daily actions and results, helping you make informed adjustments and ensuring continuous progress.
  • Ask Three Key Questions:
    - What Went Right?
    Stay motivated by recognizing your successes.
    - What Did I Learn?
    Convert mistakes into valuable lessons for future improvement.
    -What Am I Grateful For?
    Maintain a positive outlook by acknowledging daily wins.
  • Embrace Iteration: Accelerate your growth by refining your approach based on feedback, leading to faster achievement of your goals.
  • Daily Reflection Drives Success: Establish a habit of daily reflection to gain actionable insights, enhance performance, and steadily advance toward your objectives.

What is the purpose of feedback loops?

Many entrepreneurs feel stuck and overwhelmed because they lack a clear method for evaluating their performance. They put in long hours and intense effort, but without a precise way to gauge what’s working, what isn’t, and what needs to change, they end up spinning their wheels. This uncertainty and frustration come from not knowing which strategies are effective or how to refine their approach. As a result, they waste time and energy, unable to make the necessary adjustments to enhance their performance and drive their business forward.

If this sounds familiar, you’re in the right place.

The key to breaking this cycle is a system that involves collecting feedback loops on your performance every single day. You’ve probably heard that improving by just 1% daily can make you 37 times better by the end of the year—and that’s not an exaggeration. Feedback loops are based on the deliberate practice theory, which focuses on continually refining a skill through targeted feedback. Whether you’re analyzing a sales letter, reviewing paid ads, or assessing meetings and sales calls, the process is simple: take a few minutes after each task to review your performance using measurable KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) and identify areas for improvement. Make this a daily habit, and you’ll see your growth accelerate rapidly. It doesn’t take much time, but the results are profound.

The Best Performance Tracking System: Daily EOD Reports 

A daily EOD (End Of Day) report is an ideal system for reinforcing feedback loops. It’s a simple, structured summary where you reflect on your actions, assess what went well, what didn’t, and evaluate how closely your performance aligned with your goals. By gathering insights from your day and identifying areas for improvement, it ensures consistent progress.

For the past eight years, I’ve been using the End-of-Day (EOD) report and teaching it to my team and clients. Modeled after the After-Action Reports used by Navy SEALs and other special forces, this system helps assess how closely execution aligns with planning. Just as elite units review each operation—whether in Afghanistan, Iraq, or elsewhere—by comparing their expectations with actual outcomes, elite entrepreneurs need to apply the same level of scrutiny. This approach ensures that every action taken is evaluated for effectiveness, driving continuous improvement and success.

This constant feedback is what makes special forces so formidable—they never stop improving. Their learning rate is their secret weapon, setting them up for success repeatedly. While unpredictable "black swan" moments can occur, having a core set of effective practices enables them to adapt, thrive, and maintain peak performance.

Applying the EOD report principle to daily business practices means assessing how your actions measure up against your goals and identifying areas for improvement. By incorporating this habit, you’ll continually refine your performance and pave the way for long-term success.

How to Write an EOD Report for Guaranteed Peak Performance

Creating an effective EOD report is crucial; without it, you might find yourself stuck in a cycle of frustration and inefficiency. To craft an impactful EOD report that drives peak performance, ask yourself three essential questions based on the feedback you've collected throughout the day.

Here are the three questions I recommend you include in your daily EOD report:

1. What Went Right?

Start by identifying what went well during the day. What were your wins? What achievements demonstrate improvement? By reviewing these successes, you can measure your progress and recognize genuine advancements. Writing down your wins shifts your focus from dwelling on failures to celebrating your successes.

2. What Did I Learn?

Mistakes are inevitable—we’re all human. The second question should be: What did I learn from today? Instead of fixating on setbacks, view them as valuable lessons and opportunities for growth. Pinpoint key learnings that can help you refine your approach and enhance performance the next day.

3. What Am I Grateful For?

The third question is: What am I grateful for? Acknowledge something positive that went well and that you anticipated. This practice helps you appreciate the good aspects of your day and reinforces a positive outlook on both your business and life.

By consistently reflecting on what went right, what you learned, and what you’re grateful for, you establish a simple yet powerful framework for peak performance. Daily reflection through these questions builds a repository of insights, achievements, and gratitude, fostering a peak performance mindset and driving continuous improvement. Over time, this practice will help you become 1% better each day, supported by tangible evidence of your progress.

How Many Iterations Are Enough? 

Ultimately, you're not just one funnel, one key hire, or one marketing program away from achieving the results you want. Instead, you are a certain number of iterations away from success.

Iteration is the process of making repeated improvements based on feedback. Each iteration involves tweaking your approach, testing those changes, and using the results to refine your strategy further. This continual cycle of feedback and adjustment is crucial for growth and optimization.

While the exact number of iterations is unknown and depends on how quickly you can improve your systems, the principle remains: the faster you go through these iterations, the quicker you gather feedback, and the better you’ll improve. Elon Musk refers to this as accelerating cycle time. The more you review and refine your processes, the faster you’ll move and the quicker you’ll achieve your goals.

Perform at Your Peak Daily

To reach peak performance, it's essential to cultivate a habit of daily reflection. Make it a routine to review every call and work session, assessing what went right and what needs improvement. At the end of each day, complete an EOD report—whether on paper or through a journaling tool. Ask yourself: What went right? What did you learn? What are you grateful for? By embedding this practice into your daily routine, you’ll gain actionable insights, accelerate your progress, and steadily move towards your goals


What if the key to staying ahead in business could be boiled down to one incredibly simple system? No special skills, high IQ, or talent needed—just 5-10 minutes a day. In this article, we share a performance tracking system that has been proven to work over the last eight years, transforming lives and driving success. Learn how to integrate this system into your daily routine, and watch as it sets you up to win in business and life.

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Hey, I'm León Castillo

I'm an entrepreneur, investor & university professor obsessed with peak performance & entrepreneurship.

6 years ago I founded Selfmastered to help 1 million entrepreneurs unlock peak performance, so they can build their dream business without compromising their time, health or relationship.

Selfmastered is the antidote to the 1-sided, mostly ineffective executive performance advice most entrepreneurs have to rely on.

Selfmastered leverages personalized performance protocols previously reserved for Olympic athletes, Navy Seals, and Fortune 500 CEOs to guarantee a deep, permanent, personal transformation.

Trusted by Founders, CEOs & Executives of industry-leading companies across the world

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