How To Enter A Flow State: Get More Done In A Day
Discover how you can increase your productivity by five times using a scientifically-backed protocol designed to help you access flow state. In this article, how to dial in the right tasks, timing, and feedback to sustain peak performance and achieve more in less time—all without burnout.
Key Takeaways:
- Flow state is an optimal mental zone where you feel and perform your best, significantly boosting productivity.
- You can't force flow state; you must create the right conditions for it to emerge.
- Autonomy: Choose tasks that matter to you and that you have control over to increase engagement.
- Challenge-Skill Ratio: Keep tasks 4% beyond your current skill level to maintain focus and avoid boredom or anxiety.
- Timing: Work in 90-120 minute cycles to align with your brain's natural energy rhythms.
- Urgency: Use time pressure to trigger focus by setting a timer for each work session.
- Immediate Feedback: Regularly assess performance to understand progress and improve over time.
What if you could achieve your weekly goals in just one day?
What if I told you that you could achieve your entire week’s worth of goals in just one day? Sounds crazy, right? But that’s exactly what happens when you tap into the flow state—a state of mind where everything aligns perfectly, and you operate at your absolute best.
I’ve built a protocol based on the latest research into flow states, and trust me—it works. It’s helped me and my clients at Selfmastered 5X productivity without burning out. The best part? It’s actually fun. So, let’s break down what flow state is and how you can create the conditions to trigger it in your life.
What Is Flow State?
Flow state isn’t something you do. It’s something you are in. Think of it like sleep or a dream—you can’t force it, but you can create the conditions that allow it to happen.
So, no—you can’t engineer a flow state on demand. But you can build the perfect environment for it to emerge naturally (on demand). Once you understand how your brain operates and triggers flow, you can get into this highly productive state more consistently.
Here’s how to create those ideal conditions step by step.
1. Dial In the Task with Autonomy
First things first—you need to care about what you’re working on. You won’t access flow if you’re working on something you don’t like or haven’t chosen. Autonomy is a huge factor in achieving flow. You must have the freedom to choose tasks that are meaningful to you. When you’re engaged with something you genuinely care about, your brain can enter the right state of focus.
2. Adjust the Challenge for Optimal Engagement
Next, you need to find the sweet spot of difficulty. Too hard, and you’ll get anxious; too easy, and you’ll get bored. The goal is to balance the challenge so that it’s just 4% beyond your current skill level- this is called the challenge-skill ratio. Why 4%? Research shows this is the optimal stretch where you’re engaged but not overwhelmed. This balance is what’s known as the "Flow Channel," and it’s where peak performance lives.
3. Time Your Sessions for Peak Performance
Flow operates in cycles, not as an on-off switch. It’s a cycle that requires specific steps. You start by struggling—pushing your brain to engage with the task. Then, to trigger flow, you must release and step back for a moment. This relaxation phase is crucial. After you’re in flow, you can stay there for about 90-120 minutes before your brain needs a break to recover and replenish its neurochemicals.
Research shows the human body goes through energy peaks and troughs, with optimal focus periods lasting between 90 and 120 minutes. After that, your brain needs a break to recharge. Attempting to sustain flow beyond this window leads to exhaustion and diminishing returns.
Set a timer for your work sessions and limit them to around 90 minutes. Once you finish, rest and recover before jumping back in. This rhythm allows you to consistently hit your peak productivity throughout the day.
4. Create Urgency with Consequences
One of the most powerful flow triggers is urgency. If you’re surfing or skiing, the consequences are immediate—one wrong move, and you could get seriously hurt. But how do you create urgency when working on day-to-day tasks?
Here’s a simple method: set a timer. Literally, go to Google, type in ‘90-minute timer’, and hit start. This instantly triggers urgency because you’re racing against the clock. Your brain will kick into high gear to finish your task before time runs out. You’ll notice how much faster and more focused you become when there’s a ticking clock pushing you.
5. Get Immediate Feedback
Feedback is the final piece of the puzzle. At the end of each work session, take a minute to evaluate how you did. Did you hit your target? Why or why not? How far off were you from your goal? This process of immediate feedback is another flow trigger that will help you improve exponentially over time.
Imagine you set a goal to write 1,500 words in 90 minutes, but you only wrote 1,300. That’s useful data. Why did you fall short? What can you tweak next time to hit the mark? Continuous feedback not only helps you stay in the flow but also accelerates your overall performance.
The Ringfence Session: Your 90-Minute Flow State Routine
By combining these elements, I’ve developed something called the Ringfence Session. It’s a simple but powerful 90-minute block of time where you follow this protocol:
- Pick a task that matters to you (autonomy)
- Make sure the difficulty is just beyond your skill level (challenge)
- Set a 90-minute timer (urgency)
- Dive in and collect feedback at the end (evaluation)
This system is a game-changer. It allows you to access flow multiple times a day, which means you’re five times more productive than the average entrepreneur. And here’s the kicker—when you’re more productive, you win. It’s not about how talented you are; it’s about how consistently you can get into the zone and stay there.
Flow state is a performance multiplier, and once you master it, there’s no limit to what you can achieve.
Why Flow State is the Key to Entrepreneurial Success
If you can work five times faster than your competition, you will win—no matter how skilled or experienced they are. Flow state gives you that edge. It’s not about grinding for long hours or avoiding burnout; it’s about working smarter and leveraging your brain’s natural cycles to achieve peak performance.
At SelfMastered, we teach our clients how to master flow state as part of a broader strategy to help elite entrepreneurs scale their businesses without procrastination or burnout. If you're ready to step into the most productive version of yourself, book a call with us today, and let’s create a custom plan that will take you to the next level.
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Hey, I'm León Castillo
I'm an entrepreneur, investor & university professor obsessed with peak performance & entrepreneurship.
6 years ago I founded Selfmastered to help 1 million entrepreneurs unlock peak performance, so they can build their dream business without compromising their time, health or relationship.
Selfmastered is the antidote to the 1-sided, mostly ineffective executive performance advice most entrepreneurs have to rely on.
Selfmastered leverages personalized performance protocols previously reserved for Olympic athletes, Navy Seals, and Fortune 500 CEOs to guarantee a deep, permanent, personal transformation.
Trusted by Founders, CEOs & Executives of industry-leading companies across the world
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