How To Achieve Sustained Peak Performance [Elite Performers Guide]

Written by
Leon Castillo
Peak Performance

Achieving peak performance is a challenging endeavor, but maintaining it over the long term is even more difficult. Many entrepreneurs reach significant milestones only to find themselves slipping back. In this article, we’ll explore a four-step protocol that elite performers use to not only reach but sustain peak performance. From recommitting to your vision to leveraging high-impact routines, these strategies will empower you to achieve lasting excellence in your business and personal life.

Key Takeaways: 

  • Success is Challenging: While achieving success is important, maintaining peak performance is often the bigger challenge.
  • Complacency Threatens Growth: Reaching significant milestones can lead to relaxation and missed opportunities for further growth.
  • Four-Step Protocol: A structured approach to sustain peak performance includes four key steps.
    Step 1: Recommit to Your Vision

    Set an ambitious vision that inspires you.
    Regularly revisit and realign with this vision to keep motivation high.
    Step 2: Evolve Your Identity

    Shift your self-image to match your new level of achievement.
    Audit your beliefs and behaviors to ensure they align with your goals.
    Step 3: Optimize Physiological Protocols

    Balance work with effective self-care practices.
    Prioritize rest, nutrition, and recovery to maintain sharpness and prevent burnout.
    Step 4: Focus on High-Leverage Tasks

    Reassess your daily activities and focus on tasks that drive significant results.
    Learn to say “no” to low-leverage tasks to maximize efficiency and effectiveness.
  • Continual Growth is Key: Sustaining peak performance requires ongoing commitment to personal and professional development.

How to Achieve Sustained Peak Performance

Success is a double-edged sword. While we all strive to achieve it, sustaining peak performance is the real challenge. As Steve Jobs famously said, "the key to long-term success is staying hungry and foolish." However, the biggest threat to that hunger is often the success itself.

When you've reached significant milestones, like scaling your business to six or seven figures, there's a tendency to relax and let complacency set in. This can lead to a decline in performance and missed opportunities for further growth.

In this article, I’ll share the four-step protocol that I’ve personally used—and that my clients at Selfmastered use—to not only achieve but maintain peak performance.

The 4-Step Protocol to Sustaining Peak Performance

Step 1: Recommit to Your Vision

The foundation of sustained peak performance lies in having a compelling vision that continually drives you forward. This vision should be ambitious—big enough to challenge you and keep you motivated well beyond your current achievements.

Elite performers don’t settle for small goals; they aim for monumental ones. For example, instead of focusing on reaching $10K or $100K months, they set their sights on a million or more. The enormity of this goal keeps them striving for excellence. Every time you hit a milestone, take a moment to ask yourself: Does my vision still inspire and motivate me? If not, it’s time to reassess and recommit.

Key Action: Set a vision that excites you and gives you a reason to get out of bed every morning. Revisit and realign with this vision regularly.

Step 2: Evolve Your Identity to Match Peak Performance

One of the primary reasons individuals lose their peak performance is that their self-image doesn’t evolve to match their new level of achievement. This phenomenon, often referred to as the "thermostat effect," suggests that people tend to revert to their comfort zone if they don’t believe they deserve their success.

Each time you level up, your beliefs and behaviors need to shift accordingly. If your new milestone demands a higher level of performance, you must begin to embody the identity of someone who deserves to be at that level.

Key Action: Regularly audit your beliefs and behaviors. Ask yourself: Are my habits and mindset aligned with where I want to be, or where I used to be?

Step 3: Optimize Your Physiological Protocols

To maintain peak performance, it’s essential to balance effort with recovery. Many entrepreneurs mistakenly think that reaching the next level requires working harder, but elite performers understand that true excellence comes from effective self-care.

Rest and recovery protocols or routines, such as proper nutrition, sufficient sleep, and stress-reduction techniques, ensure that both your body and mind remain sharp. Take inspiration from athletes like LeBron James, who invests heavily in his physical and mental well-being. Sustainable performance is not about burning out but about thriving.

Key Action: Review your self-care routines. Are you prioritizing rest and recovery to fuel consistent peak performance?

Step 4: Focus on High-Leverage Tasks 

Finally, to sustain peak performance, you need to continually reassess your focus. As your business grows, the tasks that brought you to this point may not be the ones that will get you to the next level. This requires shedding old habits and embracing new, more effective practices.

Discipline becomes critical—specifically, the discipline to say “no” to tasks that don’t move you closer to your goals, even if they once worked for you. It’s about identifying high-leverage opportunities that can propel you forward with less effort.

Key Action: Evaluate your daily activities. Are you concentrating on high-leverage tasks, or are you caught in the grind of low-leverage work?

Maintaining Long-Term Peak Performance

Sustaining peak performance isn’t a one-time achievement—it’s a continual process of growth. By recommitting to your vision, evolving your self-identity, optimizing your routines, and leveraging your efforts, you can ensure that your initial success blossoms into long-term excellence.


Achieving peak performance is a challenging endeavor, but maintaining it over the long term is even more difficult. Many entrepreneurs reach significant milestones only to find themselves slipping back. In this article, we’ll explore a four-step protocol that elite performers use to not only reach but sustain peak performance. From recommitting to your vision to leveraging high-impact routines, these strategies will empower you to achieve lasting excellence in your business and personal life.

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Hey, I'm León Castillo

I'm an entrepreneur, investor & university professor obsessed with peak performance & entrepreneurship.

6 years ago I founded Selfmastered to help 1 million entrepreneurs unlock peak performance, so they can build their dream business without compromising their time, health or relationship.

Selfmastered is the antidote to the 1-sided, mostly ineffective executive performance advice most entrepreneurs have to rely on.

Selfmastered leverages personalized performance protocols previously reserved for Olympic athletes, Navy Seals, and Fortune 500 CEOs to guarantee a deep, permanent, personal transformation.

Trusted by Founders, CEOs & Executives of industry-leading companies across the world

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